MAAC is a Registered Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) created under the Native Title Act 1993 to manage the recognised Native Title rights and interests of the Moompa-Awu People (Coen).

We Wik Mungkan people, our hearts and soul belong to our country and our veins are like the waterways connecting us all. Moompa-awu he is our guardian (warrior) and our protector.

We are living and breathing country through traditional healing – sustaining and maintaining healthy country and families. Everyone coming together as one whole big family (Wayngkampan).

We are protecting our environment; animals and plants, fish and turtle and do not take too much off the land. We are hunting by the seasons and by traditional knowledge to ensure there is plenty of bush food. We are burning country at the right rime. We are living on, working on and taking care of country through a holistic approach. Everyone is a land manager and equal.

We are looking after places where people were born, looking after old country, our places of significance – Sacred sites and story places are protected – culturally and traditionally. Our young people are on country learning about looking after country. We are teaching our young people language and the traditional and cultural way of life. We are keeping culture strong.

We are running our own business on country, our TO’s are in charge of the show out here. We have jobs on country.

This is a project funded by ILSC (Indigneous Land & Sea Corporation) and facilitated by the Centre of Appropriate Technology with help from Bush Heritage Australia and Conservation Management.

This plan is about your hopes and dreams for the land and the future.


Our proposed targets for our plan are:


We chose a language name for this target. This is about good governance of our corporation as well as young people, strong families and people working together.

Sacred Sites & Significant Places

This target is about our sacred cultural places on country and protecting them. It’s about our story places, scar trees, birth places and hunting places.


This is about protecting plants and animals on country. In particular the plants and animals we traditionally use for food. Looking after these means looking after all of country. Bushtucker discussed were Yam, Turtle, Fish, Wild Duck, Goanna, Caro, Wallaby, Emu and Plains Turkey.

Our Business & Enterprise

This is everything to do with economic development, making money and creating jobs on the land and includes carbon business, cattle, training and education, managing money and funding, tourism and any other business ideas for country.


This is about protecting and looking after the waterways, rivers, lagoons and springs on country.

Cooktown Orchid

This is about protecting our culturally important Cooktown Orchid as a key totem of the Moompa-Awu story. The Cooktown Orchid is QLD’s floral emblem and also endangered.


This means home and house on country in language. This target is about creating and looing after infrastructure on country and all equipment and technology we need to live on country.

Moompa- Awu Story

This target is about looking after all our culture, lore and traditional knowledge. It’s about traditional practices, dance, song art, atrefacts, spiritual healing, knowledge of bush medicine, men and women’s business, language and seasonal knowledge.

Open Woodlands

This target is about all the open woodlands on country – the majority of the land. This country is an important habitat for many animals and plants. I’ts very important to manage fire in the woodlands in particular.

Proposed goal:
Open woodlands have good vegetation with spear tree plants (Red Wattle/Moompa-Awu Spear) and animals in the right place and it is burnt at the right time.

Moompa-Awu Aboriginal Corporation

Ph: 0447 178 298

Peninsula Developmental Rd,
Coen, QLD, Australia

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